Is Telematics Related To GPS Car Tracking System

Is Telematics Related To GPS Car Tracking System?

Every system in the modern world is either directly or indirectly linked to telematics. Telematics combines two branches of physics i.e., telecommunication and informatics.

In telematics, the information is gathered using the rules of informatics and then conveyed using a telecommunication medium.

Is telematics related to a car tracking system?

Regarding controlling vehicles and other valuable assets, telematics has played an important role in establishing a strong hold over them. One of the finest examples of telematics related to vehicles is the GPS car tracker system. This system runs on the receptor, network, database, and dashboard.

The receptors

There is a GPS tracker installed inside the vehicle that you want to control. You can install this device inside various vehicles, including delivery vans, trailers, and other heavy machinery. The GPS works as a receptor that senses and gathers data. This data is related to many aspects of the car.

The network

The next step is to transfer the gathered information to the users for either use or storage. This information is transferred through signals (similar to WiFi). You always need a medium to transfer information from one point to another. The signals will work as that medium.

Centralized database

The centralized database’s main server receives the information transmitted through the network. This database is maintained at the premises of the GPS car tracking vendor.

This database has a large storage capacity so different users can store their data. A user can access the stored information at any time. However, the whole procedure depends on what the tracking has agreed with the fleet management entity.

Online dashboard

The gathered data is transferred from the centralized database to the online dashboard. It is maintained as the company that has availed the car tracking service.

This dashboard allows the management to monitor the relevant stats and then make effective decisions according to what they have read. They can use it or store it. Documentary reports can also be generated for more formal insight.

What information does a GPS car tracking system transmit on the telematics network?

The GPS tracking system collects information relating to different aspects that a driver would find relevant. Most of these stats relate to the driving quality and the car’s maintenance. This information includes:

  • Current and average speed.
  • Exact location.
  • How the accelerator and brakes are pressed.
  • Details regarding required maintenance
  • Idle hours.

For what purpose is this data used?

The information is extracted from the receptors, then transferred to the servers, and ultimately to the fleet manager. However, there are many outputs that you can generate from the whole process.

  • You can use the reports for generating time sheets and the hours worked on the job site.
  • The hours recorded on the sheet have better accuracy than other manual procedures, and you also get the proof to support all the figures entered.
  • These documents can be a mandatory requirement in several industries. For instance, the truck industry has told you to comply with the maintenance of electronic logging device requirements.

What does telematics bring to the table for fleet management companies?

Telematics has many implicit benefits on the overall performance of businesses with large numbers of vehicles working. The GPS car tracking system not only tells you about the exact location but also brings more indirect benefits.

  • It improves customer satisfaction and ensures your clients get the services on time.
  • The site timesheets are more accurate as there is no manual intervention, and the computer system generates the relevant details quickly.
  • The fuel expenses are reduced because there are fewer trips made, and the shortest route is shown to the driver.
  • Continuous monitoring of your drivers will force them to drive professionally eventually.
  • You will receive a higher return on the money you invested in the fleet.
  • An effective telematics network means that you will have fewer accidents, and maintenance will be reduced. This will make the payment of insurance premiums redundant.
  • An accurate historic positioning record will help the police recover your lost vehicle.